Taking place in Geneva over 6 weekends between February and September 2016
The Tula practitioners training is a combined course in both Tulamassage and Tulayoga
for those who would like to practice at a professional level.
The training is given by Louka Leppard and will take place over 6 weekends at Salle Verdaine,
a beautiful and meditative space in the centre of Geneva’s old town.
Tulamassage is a floor based massage with oil, practiced with an effective balance of strength and tenderness.
It releases blockages in the energy channels throughout the body
and encourages a return to a relaxed, fluid and energised state.
You can read more about it here
Tulayoga is a meditative journey inwards towards your axis.
A return, through sensation into union with your body and the present moment.
It is practiced using balance, relaxation and momentum rather than strength
and brings people into deep states of trust, of physical and emotional release and clear conscious awareness.
You can read more about it here
The first weekend is two full days of Tulayoga Practice to gain confidence and stability
in the aerial aspects of the treatment.
On each following weekend we will practice Tulamassage in the mornings
focusing on different parts of this pathway around the body.
By the end of the course we will have connected these areas, enabling you to give complete Tulamassage flows.
In the afternoons we will continue learning Tulayoga until we feel at ease in each of the 22 postures
and can move from acrobatics, into an effortless practice of non doing and meditation.
Between each module you will be expected to give 2 practice treatments a week
which you will record and send in to Louka so as to keep a record of your progress
and to continue a supportive dialogue.
So that you can receive enough individual attention and time to perfect your technique
there are only 14 places on the training and you are obliged to take all weekends.
The 12 day course costs 2400 CHF in total
900 CHF deposit to be payed at signup and 250 CHF on each weekend
The final date for signup is 25th January 2016 but please be aware that places are limited to 12 people.
To take part in the training you must have taken a Tulayoga Basics weekend.
The next Tulayoga Basics in Geneva will be held in Geneva on the 23rd & 24th February.
Organised by Frederic Perozzo
Click here for contact via email
or call +41 78 600 80 69
Feb 20 - 21
Two full days of Tulayoga Practice.
1 week of independent practice giving 4 treatments.
Feb 27 - 28
Morning Tulamassage Practice - Hips, lumbar, thoracic and shoulders.
Afternoon Tulayoga Practice.
6 weeks of independent practice giving 12 treatments.
April 23 - 24
Morning Tulamassage Practice - Shoulders arms and hands.
Afternoon Tulayoga Practice.
7 weeks of independent practice giving 14 treatments.
June 11 - 12
Morning Tulamassage Practice - Hips, thighs, calves and feet.
Afternoon Tulayoga Practice.
10 weeks of independent practice giving 20 treatments.
August 20 - 21
Morning Tulamassage Practice - Belly, chest, Shoulders, neck, face and scalp.
Afternoon Tulayoga Practice.
4 weeks of independent practice giving 8 treatments.
September 24 - 25
Practicing full treatments of Tulamassage and Tulayoga.
9.00-10.00 Meeting up, warm up and stretch.
10.00- 11.30 Tula Practice
15 minute break
11.45- 13.15 Tula Practice
90 minute lunch break
14.45- 16.15 Tula Practice
15 minute break
16.30- 18.00 Tula Practice
18.15 - 19.00 discussion and close